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How to reduce swelling after mastectomy

One of the common concerns after a mastectomy is swelling. But don’t worry we'll share some tips and tricks to help you reduce swelling after a mastectomy, so you can focus on healing.

One of the common concerns after a mastectomy is swelling. But don’t worry we'll share some tips and tricks to help you reduce swelling after a mastectomy, so you can focus on healing.

Embrace the cold

Cold therapy can work wonders in reducing post mastectomy swelling. Applying cold packs or ice packs to the affected area can help constrict blood vessels, reduce inflammation and provide soothing relief. Make sure to wrap the ice pack in a towel to protect your skin and limit each session to about 10 minutes. - don’t put any ice directly on your skin. You can repeat this several times a day to keep the swelling in check.

Elevate and relax

After your surgery, make sure to elevate your upper body using pillows or a recliner chair. This position helps promote better circulation and can reduce fluid buildup. Take advantage of this time to relax and binge-watch your favourite shows or dive into a good book. Remember, rest is an important part of your recovery journey.

Compression garments to the rescue

Compression garments are designed to provide gentle pressure and support to the chest area. These specially designed bras not only help reduce swelling but also provide a comfortable and secure fit. Look for garments made from soft, breathable fabrics to keep you feeling cosy and confident throughout the day.

Gentle massage therapy

Consult with your healthcare provider and consider incorporating gentle massage techniques into your routine. Massaging the affected area can stimulate lymphatic drainage and help reduce swelling. Be sure to use light pressure and follow medical advice. If you decide to go to a professional for a massage, make sure they’re experienced, knowledgeable and confident about working with you safely. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and think about it if you’re not sure.

Stay hydrated

Drinking plenty of water helps flush out toxins and staying hydrated helps to keep your body functioning optimally. Aim for at least 8 cups of water a day, and if you're unsure, ask your doctor for guidance.

Move your body

While it's crucial to take it easy during the initial stages of recovery, gentle movements and exercises prescribed by your medical team can improve circulation and reduce swelling. Stretching, walking or simple arm exercises can make a difference. Start slowly and gradually increase your activity level based on your doctor's recommendations. Don’t overdo it or push yourself too hard.

Reducing swelling after a mastectomy is a gradual process, and everyone's recovery journey is unique. It's essential to consult your medical team and follow their guidance throughout the healing process. Swelling will reduce in time as your body heals, but you need to make sure you take it easy on yourself too.

The information provided in this blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. Please consult with your healthcare provider for personalised recommendations.