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The One Hundred

By Nina Garcia

What’s not to love about a quirky, amusingly illustrated (thank you Ruben Toledo) book about personal style? The One Hundred (A Guide to the Pieces Every Stylish Woman Must Own) is the brainchild of Project Runway’s Nina Garcia.

Author Garcia cuts quickly to the fashion chase by enumerating the absolute essentials for everyone’s wardrobe. In this case, everyone seems to be women who have some disposable income, can still pull off wearing a bikini – and think fur is fashionable (admittedly, she mentions you can wear faux). Of course, we all knew we need a denim jacket and hoop earrings (didn’t we?) But just how many of us realized our wardrobes were lacking if they didn’t include a cape, cowboy boots and fishnets?

What self respecting walk-in closet is complete without pajamas, a peacoat, a pearl necklace, a pencil skirt, perfume (Chanel No5 to be exact), a plain white tee, a Polo shirt, some Pucci – and a push up bra?

When asked how she determined what items would appear in this book, Nina explains, “Well, for me, the must haves are the items I run back to my apartment for, the items I have stepped over dust and debris for – they are the items I simply cannot imagine living without. And why? Because these items have been there with me season after season. They have been with me through thick and thin. When trends begin to fade away, these are the items I can always turn to with confidence.”

And we’re confident, whether your favorites are leather, denim or khaki pants, you’ll be sure to enjoy discovering just why each is essential, and just how close (or far away) you are from having what every stylish woman must own! If you’ve got some red lipstick, you’re headed in the right direction! Buy The One Hundred at