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Grass Roots Profile: Art Bra Austin

Art Bra Austin is the premiere fundraiser for the city’s Breast Cancer Resource Centers. This runway show features an assorted collection of art bras which are modeled by BCRC clients, thereby providing a firsthand look at the diverse population they serve.

Every year, Austin's talented community of artists, designers, and jewelers submit their original works of wearable art to be showcased by a dynamic group of Art Bra Austin Models - all breast cancer survivors and clients of the BCRC. The result is a triumphant show filled with light, color, movement, and most of all - attitude.

This event is instrumental in the BCRC’s efforts to enhance awareness and expand the certified patient navigation, support groups, and education services they provide at no cost to 2,500 clients throughout Travis and Williamson County.

The BCRC is a centralized source of information, education and support that empowers those affected by breast cancer to navigate through diagnosis, treatment, recovery and beyond as active, knowledgeable participants in their healthcare.

Staffed by breast cancer survivors, the BCRC strives to reduce mortality rates by assisting Central Texans diagnosed with breast cancer as they confront obstacles that stand in the way of their treatment or affect their quality of life. They help eliminate barriers related to insurance, employment, family relationships, inability to pay for services, and end-of-life decisions.

Their programs include individualized patient navigation, face-to-face support group meetings, online forums, educational seminars, and special events.

One of this year’s models, Eden, leaves no doubt to just how significant this fundraiser is, saying, “Breast cancer takes so much from you. It strips everything from you as a woman, both physically and emotionally. At one point I had no hair, no breasts, and I had a hysterectomy. I felt like an empty vessel. The shell of the woman I once was. I was left with ugly scars on the inside and out. Being a runway model is something you only dream about. Especially as a woman with ugly scars and odd shaped body parts!

"Art Bra was one of the most amazing, liberating experiences! Not only did we gain beautiful lifelong friendships, but we were able to feel beautiful again. There truly are no words to describe the feeling of being on that stage! And the best part was that we got to raise money for our fellow survivors. It was a night I will never forget! And I can't wait till next year, to hopefully do it again!”

You can obtain more information about this event by visiting: