Natura Light 2S Breast Form - Ivory

Order Code: 390 Natura Light 2S
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Order Code: 390 Natura Light 2S
  • Natura Light is a 3-layer breast form in a modern 1SN shape, designed to drape like a natural breast, even flattening when a woman lies down
  • An improved silicone formulation, InTouch Light Silicone, creates an ultra-soft breast form with the most natural appearance and feel possible
  • Average cup fitting, high soft transition to upper chest wall where less volume is needed
  • Symmetrical shape - can be worn on either the left or right side
  • Thin layer of standard silicone covers the cups side, reduced weight, Intouch silicone on the inside, Comfort+ technology integrated into the reduced weight silicone, clear gel back
  • Natura Light is 25% lighter than standard silicone breast forms of the same shape and size
  • A 3 layer breast form, with a soft, clear silicone gel back layer that hugs the body and is extra gentle to scar areas