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How to clean nipple prosthetics

Wondering how to clean nipple prosthetics post-mastectomy? Whether you’re adhering them straight onto your skin or onto a breast form, read on for maintenance tips.

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cleaning nipple prosthetics to breast forms

Cleaning and maintaining your nipple prosthetics

As well as mastectomy lingerie, we also offer discreet prosthetic nipples that play a crucial role in restoring your confidence after surgery. If you’ve been wondering how to clean prosthetic nipples, here’s the steps you need to know to clean and maintain your nipple prosthetics.

The importance of proper care

Just as our mastectomy lingerie is designed with precision and care, our nipple prosthetics are made from high-quality soft silicone to mimic the natural look and feel of nipples. To maintain their integrity and ensure a lasting, comfortable experience, it's crucial to follow recommended cleaning and maintenance practices.

Cleaning your nipple prosthetics

Cleaning your nipple prosthetics is an important part of taking care of them and maintaining the hygiene of your post-mastectomy accessories. Here’s how to clean your nipple prosthetics.

Gentle cleansing

Clean your nipple prosthetics with a mild, fragrance-free soap and lukewarm water. Gently rub the prosthetics between your fingers to remove any residue or oils. Our nipple prosthetics are packaged with one 30 ml bottle of Amoena Soft Cleanser .

Avoid harsh chemicals

Steer clear of harsh chemicals, alcohol-based products or abrasive cleansers. These can compromise the silicone's texture and colour, affecting both appearance and comfort. Plus, using harsh chemicals can mean that they don’t last as long or become damaged.

Pat dry

After washing, pat the nipple prosthetics dry with a soft, clean cloth. Avoid using towels with rough textures, as these may cause unnecessary wear and tear. The main rule is to be as gentle as you can to take care of them and keep them looking good for longer.

Proper storage

Store your nipple prosthetics in the provided case or a designated container to protect them from dust, sunlight and moisture. Ensure they are completely dry before storage to prevent mould or mildew growth.

Maintaining your nipple prosthetics

As well as keeping them clean, it’s important to maintain your nipple prosthetics too.

Regular inspections

From time to time inspect your nipple prosthetics for any signs of damage, such as tears or changes in colour. Keeping an eye on them means you can spot any issues that might cause discomfort easily.

Avoid direct sunlight

Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can impact the colour and durability of your nipple prosthetics. When not in use, keep them in a cool, dark place to avoid fading or damage.

Temperature considerations

Extreme temperatures, whether too hot or too cold, can affect the silicone material that your nipple prosthetics are made from. Avoid leaving your nipple prosthetics in places with extreme temperatures.

By sticking to these simple cleaning and maintenance practices, you can keep your nipple prosthetics looking and feeling good for even longer.