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How to apply prosthetic nipples

Wondering how to apply prosthetic nipples to your breast form, post-mastectomy? Read on for a step-by-step guide.

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applying nipple prosthetics to breast forms

Step-by-step guide: applying nipple prosthetics to breast forms

If you want a natural looking and comfortable nipple prosthetic that makes you feel comfortable, our silicone nipple prosthetics can help. Applying nipple prosthetics to breast forms might not have been something you’ve done before, so we’re sharing how to apply them comfortably and easily.

Step 1: Gather your supplies

Before you begin, make sure you have all the necessary supplies:

  • Amoena nipple prosthetics
  • Breast form/s
  • Mild soap and water for cleaning
  • Soft, clean cloth for drying
  • Mirror for precision

  • Step 2: Clean your breast forms and nipple prosthetics

    Start by cleaning both your breast form/s and nipple prosthetics. Use a mild, fragrance-free soap and lukewarm water to gently cleanse the surfaces. Pat them dry with a soft cloth to ensure a clean and adhesive-friendly surface that will stick where it needs to.

    Step 3: Position your breast forms

    Carefully place your breast forms in the desired position on your chest. Use a mirror to ensure proper alignment and symmetry. Breast forms should sit comfortably against your chest wall for a natural look.

    Step 4: Align and apply nipple prosthetics

    Hold the nipple prosthetics above your breast forms and align them with the nipple placement on your breast forms. Take your time to achieve the desired positioning. Once aligned, gently press the prosthetics onto the breast forms, securing them in place.

    Step 6: Adjust for comfort and symmetry

    Ensure both nipple prosthetics are securely in place and adjust as needed for comfort and symmetry. The silicone material allows for flexibility, so you can make minor adjustments until you achieve a natural and balanced appearance that you’re happy with.

    Our commitment to empowering women post-mastectomy extends to every aspect of our products. By following this step-by-step guide, you can confidently apply nipple prosthetics to your breast forms.